sonia | 28 de abril de 2021 | 5 | Entertainment , Readings , Sin categoría

Hola hola famlia ReforzArte! … Hoy les traigo unos datos muy interesantes del idioma inglés! .. Cuéntenme cómo les pareció la lectura, les gusto??

English is the international lenguage of communication. According to(1) an american newspaper(2) a billion people in the world speak English.

More people speak it as(3) a foreign lenguage(4) than as(5) their native lenguage. Those who speak English as their native lenguage have their own variety(6) of English. For example there is British English, Australian English and Canadian English.

The differences are usully in intonation, pronunciation and vocabulary. Sometimes are differences in spelling and grammar. For example «favorite» is spelled «favourite» in British English. Canadian English is a mixture(7) of American and British, but it is similar to American English.


  1. According to: De acuerdo a.
  2. Newspaper: Periodico.
  3. As: Como.
  4. Foreign Lenguage: Lengua extranjera.
  5. Than as: Que como.
  6. Their own variety: Su propia variación.
  7. Mixture: Mezcla.

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